To go quicky in Dublin mood, you must go to the heart of the city, its main street, O'Connell Street. From here starts the much significant street of the Irish, with infinite intersections of varying size, where to get lost admiring the vast streets from the sidewalks or watching a colorful double-decker bus is easier than it looks. In Dublin, everything takes on a special charm.
You thirsty? Write down this name: Sockeville Lounge (Sockeville PI), one of the coolest in town. A small, friendly hotel offers a fine hot black coffee and the company of many actors of the nearby theaters Abbey and Peacoch who regularly frequent the restaurant.
Hungry? I suggest you try the Irish Stew, the famous Irish stew and potatoes served in traditional Irish restaurants, a very good stuff and... very very caloric.
Try the Eden, which is one of the most special restaurants offering good food and a minimalist décor, with terrace overlooking Meeting House Square.
If you prefer quantity to quality, you should search among the many proposals "all you can eat", offering at low prices all the restaurant menu, only if is consumed within 55 minutes... the legendary "55 time".
There are Italian restaurants everywhere, much appreciated.

Dublin nightlife boasts undoubtedly one of the richest in Europe. Living is definitely high here. It is night or day, any time of year, you'll always find something intriguing and interesting to do in Dublin.
An example? In Temple Bar, but on Saturday morning, you should not miss the Temple Bar Food Market (Meeting House Square), surely the best outdoor food market. A compulsory stop at the kiosk fresh oysters, the most famous of Ireland's capital.
The pedestrian Grafton St. and Henry St. are the ideal destination for shoppers, perhaps accompanied by the thousand arts street performers who entertain the audience between music and shows. Huge shopping malls, small boutiques, antique shops, nothing can be lost. Because in Dublin is so easy to move from innovative luxury buildings to the timeless appeal of a cart of fresh flowers. Dublin is music, music everywhere.
Also worth seeing is St. Patrick's Cathedral, the Protestant Irish National Cathedral, and Trinity College, one the oldest and most prestigious universities.

A quiet place for a fun walk in Dublin? The super Campshires scenic walk where you go wandering around on foot or by bike along the river between futuristic pedestrian bridges (such as the Sean O'Casey Bridge) and new symbolic monuments that celebrate the past. If not enough there is also the Boardwalk, quiet and spectacular walk 650 meters along the Liffey.
Also on the Liffey in the center, there's Dublin's Italian Quarter (Lower Ormond Quay), a district made in Italy that reflects the new passion of young Dubliners for everything that comes from that country.
Love Travel message: attention to the schedule! In Dublin dinner is between 6 and 8 in the evening and nightlife starts very early. Traditional pubs are open only until 11 and even discos close around two in the morning, except for local Leeson Street, pulling up at five.
To orient yourself on the spot, local tourist office seeks the guide Rock'n'Stroll with information on pubs, restaurants, and all the places associated with the music and entertainment.
They say in Dublin, "If you don't like the weather now, wait 5 minutes...".
Organise your trip to Dublin
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Events in Dublin
The Dublin Fringe Festival in September is a good time to visit Dublin. Dedicated to everything that is innovative, young, experimental and contemporary theater (including on the road show), dance from music to visual and live art etc. At the Dublin Fringe Festival are participating individual artists, performers and companies, both Irish and international. Almost all the performances in areas of the city worth a visit.
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